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manualitats can solà
The Circus The balancer, the magician and the juggler, among other artists, will invite children to practice the various disciplines of the world of circus and to present a performance in the "talent hunt" The different spaces of the house become play stations and the groups rotate so that the time of activities is more dynamic. The house has its own equipment. Pirates Can Solà has been invaded by some very crazy and clueless pirates. Through games and small challenges, children will find the parts of the map that will take them to the treasure chest. The Indians of Taos Kief and Kiwa make a very long journey to reach Can Solà, where they are very comfortable. But they have lost part of their cultural legacy and will need the help of children to recover the golden feathers of the golden eagle. Leisure and adventure activities Any time of the year is ideal for outdoor activities. We have a perfect environment for group games and adventure, as well as water activities or sports days. Ex: Bumper balls, orientation circuit, excursions to the Onyar river or the town of Brunyola.